Professional Development

Our online training courses are designed to accelerate your employee's career growth and development as they seek to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Boost Employee Engagement and Growth with Vector Training

Featured Courses

Anti-Harassment Training for Supervisors and Managers - Non-State Specific

性harasment is a constant presence in America's workplaces. To prevent harassment, we need to understand it. For many people, sexual harassment is an emotionally-charged topic loaded with confusion and uncertainty.

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Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Are you constantly ‘firefighting’? Does it seem as though problems always appear at the last minute or just before the weekend? In this course, you will learn strategic steps to prevent much chaos and solve new or recurring problems.

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Smart Management: Methods for Motivating and Mentoring Your Team

Without a skilled captain to steer it safely to harbor, a ship is as good as lost at sea. The same can be said of the business world—without the right people at its helm, a firm is left to flounder on an uncharted course, one that may very well send it drifting into the dismal abyss of financial ruin.

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